Double Majors
About Double Majoring
Students with recognized needs and well-defined goals may be granted permission to pursue majors in two separate fields. Applications for a double major or double degree must be made before the beginning of the student’s senior year and must be accompanied by a positive recommendation from the head of he second department or school. The Associate Provost and the Registrar must approve the application and the proposed program of study.
The majors must be different in both title and substance. The majors’ curriculums for either the double major or double degree may include a few courses which are common to both majors as long as the combination of course units in the two major areas equals the sum of the number of course units required by each individual major. If one, or both, of the majors is in the College of Liberal Arts this combination cannot exceed 14 course units in any one department and must be approved as stated above.
Double majors are mostly feasible in the College of Liberal Arts, wherein both majors must lead to the BA or both majors must lead to the BS. The University does not award two degrees within the College of Liberal Arts.
A student who has received one bachelor’s degree may receive a second bachelor’s degree, providing that all specified requirements for both degrees are fully met, and providing also that the curriculum for the second degree include at least nine unique course units beyond the highest number required for either individual degree. Second degrees are allowed only if the degrees are from different colleges or different schools (e.g. BA in English and BFA in Theatre Arts). Each degree (BA or BS, BFA, BM, BME, BSN) can be earned only once. A student may not earn both the BA and BS degree.
Common Majors to Double with English
- Art (BA)
- Business
- History
- Foreign languages
- Music (BA)
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Sociology
- Theatre Arts (BA)
- Women’s Studies

Michael Theune - Robert Harrington Endowed Professor of English and Chair of English
Department - English