Illinois College Press Association Winners
Every year the 40 or so member newspapers of ICPA nominate two entries in 33 categories, and the best writing, editing, design, photography, columns, features, reviews, and sports writing are honored at the annual convention in Chicago. All students who contribute their work to The Argus are eligible, and the editorial board meets every November in consultation with the faculty advisor to decide what work to nominate. First Place is a plaque, while other awards are certificates.
2022 ICPA winners (Katie Fata, Isabella Parish, editors—11 awards)
1st—General Excellence - Web
1st—News Story (Farah Bassyouni)
1st—Sports Feature (Farah Bassyouni)
2nd—Feature Story (Jayden Erie)
2nd—General News Photo (Hetal Petal)
3rd—Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Coverage (Farah Bassyouni)
Honorable Mention —General Excellence - Print
Honorable Mention —Print Ad (Emily Thompson)
Honorable Mention —Feature Story (Alessia Girardin)
Honorable Mention —Sports Column (Audrey Hofstetter)
Honorable Mention —Feature Photo (MJ Soria)
2021—(Samira Kassem, Katie Fata, editors—n/a)
No ICPA entries submitted—contest was announced too late, last week of semester.
2020 ICPA winners (Olivia Jacobs, editor—12 awards)
1st—Sports Game Story (Andrew Zienty)
2nd—Sports Game Story (Jon Recchia)
2nd—Spot Page Design (Hannah Horn)
2nd—Critical Review Other (Gabrielle Ghaderi)
2nd—Podcast (Tera Wilson, Jon Recchia)
3rd—Opinion Page (Emma Cottrell)
3rd—Feature Photo (David O'Neil)
3rd—Column Excluding Sports (Sarah Buchmann)
3rd—Sports Photo (Matthew Wagner)
Honorable Mention —Headline Writing (Samira Kassem)
Honorable Mention —Photo Essay (Samira Kassem, David O'Neil)
Honorable Mention —General News Photo (Katie Fata)
2019 ICPA winners (John Barrett, Olivia Jacobs, editors—3 awards)
1st—Sports Page Design (Will Heidenreich)
3rd—Feature Photo (Pearlie Leak)
Honorable Mention —Sports Game Story (Hannah Horn)
2018 ICPA winners (Janna Fitzgerald, John Barrett, editors—3 awards)
1st—Column, Excluding Sports (Adam Cady)
3rd—Editorial (Matt Wegh, Janna Fitzgerald)
3rd—Headline Writing (Janna Fitzgerald)
2017 ICPA winners (Giovanni Solano, Janna Fitzgerald, editors—5 awards)
2nd—Sports Game Story (Matt Wegh)
2nd—Sports News Story (Erich Lieser)
3rd—Spot News Photo (Erich Lieser)
3rd—Editorial (Janna Fitzgerald)
Honorable Mention —Editorial (Argus staff)
2016 ICPA Winners (Jeff Neukom, Giovanni Solano, editors—4 awards)
1st—Photo Essay (Adrianna Erickson)
3rd—Column, Excluding Sports (Daniel Maibenco)
Honorable Mention—Column, Excluding Sports (Daniel Maibenco)
Honorable Mention—News Story (Jeff Neukom)
2015 ICPA Winners (Anna Lowenthal and Jeff Neukom, editors—2 awards)
1st—Editorial (Argus staff)
Honorable Mention—Editorial (Argus staff)
2014 ICPA Winners (Amelia Smith and Anna Lowenthal, editors—1 award)
1st—Column, Excluding Sports (Michelle Wong)
2013 ICPA Winners (Kevin Brown and Amelia Smith, editors—4 awards)
1st—News Story (Jeff Neukom)
2nd—Editorial (Argus staff)
3rd—Headline Writing (Argus staff)
Honorable Mention—Editorial (Argus staff)
2012 ICPA Winners (Chris Francis and Tia Sprengel, editors—1 award)
3rd—Sports Game Story (Todd Szerlong)
2011 ICPA Winners (Jackie Connelly and Chris Francis, editors—4 awards)
1st—Other Cartoon, Strip or Panel (Kaz Frankiewicz)
1st—Headline Writing (Hannah Griffin)
1st—Sports Photo (Erinn Tobin)
Honorable Mention—Other Cartoon, Strip or Panel (Daniel Cochran)
2010 ICPA Winners (Nicole Travis and Jackie Connelly, editors—8 awards)
1st—Other Cartoon, Strip or Panel (Kaz Frankiewicz)
1st—Sports Column (Brett Luy)
2nd—Other Cartoon, Strip or Panel (Sam Harris)
2nd—Column, Excluding Sports (Dani Jauregui)
2nd—New Photo (Rachel Rock)
3rd—Editorial (Eliot Boden)
Honorable Mention—Editorial Cartoon (Brandon Dorn)
Honorable Mention—Sports Feature (Max Brooks)
2009 ICPA Winners (Garrett Rapp and Nicole Travis, editors—11 awards)
1st—Feature Photo (Reggie Taole Zhu)
2nd—Spot News Photo (Natalie Lalago)
2nd—Headline Writing (Dave Buesing)
2nd—Editorial (Garrett Rapp)
2nd—Sports Game Story (Jessica Hinterlong)
2nd—Sports Page Design (Ashley Jaconetti)
3rd—Sports Game Story (Ashley Jaconetti)
3rd—Front Page Layout (Nicole Travis)
Honorable Mention—Advertisement Less Than Full Page (Ben Marion)
Honorable Mention—Column, Excluding Sports (Jessica Meyer)
Honorable Mention—Sports Feature (Michael Kreuser)
2008 ICPA Winners (Julie Regenbogen and Garrett Rapp, editors—2 awards)
3rd—Sports Game Story (Jessica Hinterlong)
Honorable Mention—Critical Review, Film (Chinny Ekwulugo)
2007 ICPA Winners (Amelia Benner, editor—3 awards)
2nd—Headline Writing (Rebecca Welzenbach)
2nd—Editorial (Argus Staff)
Honorable Mention—Sports Game Story (Lauren Pietruszka)
2006 ICPA Winners (Emma Wear and Sarah Zeller, editors—10 awards)
1st—News Photo (Don Denton)
1st—Headline Writing (Rebecca Welzenbach)
1st—Sports Feature (Jon Yee)
2nd—Editorial Cartoon (Tyler Smith)
3rd—Editorial (Amelia Benner)
Honorable Mention—New Photo (Tyler Smith)
Honorable Mention—Sports Photo (Andy Nelson)
Honorable Mention—Feature Photo (Sarah Zeller)
Honorable Mention—Sports Column (Tyler Smith)
Honorable Mention—Column (excluding sports) (Emma Wear)
2005 ICPA Winners (Erie Martha Roberts & Emma Wear, editors—10 awards)
1st—Sports Feature Story (Courtney Holden)
1st—Headline Writing (Rebecca Welzenbach & Nick Timme)
2nd—Photo Essay (Tyler Smith)
2nd—Sports Photo (Tyler Smith)
2nd—Editorial (Erie Martha Roberts)
2nd—Sports News Story (Kristi Katz)
3rd—Sports Photo (Robin Johnson)
Honorable Mention—Editorial (Kristi Katz)
Honorable Mention—Column (excluding sports) (Sarah Zeller)
Honorable Mention—News Story (Erie Martha Roberts)
2004 ICPA Winners (Sarah Hedgespeth & Erie Martha Roberts, editors—10 awards)
Honorable Mention—General Excellence
1st—Opinion Pages (Laura Minerva)
1st—New Story (Sarah Zeller)
1st—Sports Story (Brandon Cristol)
2nd—Editorial Cartoon (Margaret-Desiree Mug)
3rd—Editorial Cartoon (Margaret-Desiree Mug)
3rd—Editorial Writing (Laura Minerva & Argus Editorial Board)
3rd—Headline Writing (Ryan Foster)
Honorable Mention—Advertising Campaign (K.P. Paton, John Scacco & Lindsay Zabel)
Honorable Mention—In-Depth Reporting (Brandon Cristol)
2003 ICPA Winners (Katie Coleman & Sarah Hedgespeth, editors—20 awards)
3rd—General Excellence
1st—Critical Review Other than Film (Dan Smart)
1st—Front Page Layout (Katie Nichols)
1st—Feature Story (Carlie Bliss)
1st—New Story (Sarah Hedgespeth)
1st—Sports News Story (Dan Broholm)
1st—News Photo (Myla Green)
2nd—Editorial (Laura Minerva)
2nd—Column Excluding Sports (Brian Caster)
2nd—In-Depth Reporting (Jason Han)
2nd—Headline Writing (Argus staff)
2nd—News Photo (Jason Han)
3rd—Sports Feature Story (Lindsay Hawley)
3rd—Sports Page Design (Ryan Foster)
Honorable Mention—Editorial Cartoon (Margaret-Desireé Mug)
Honorable Mention—Column Excluding Sports (Laura Minerva)
Honorable Mention—News Story (Katie Nichols)
Honorable Mention—Sports News Story (Amanda Glerum)
Honorable Mention—Photo Essay (Jason Han)
Honorable Mention—Photo Essay (Jason Han)
2002 ICPA Winners (Gretchen Grabowski & Katie Coleman, editors—13 awards)
Honorable Mention—General Excellence
1st—Sports Photo (Jason Han)
2nd—Column Other Than Sports (Robin Hendricks)
2nd—Sports Feature (Jeanette Otis)
3rd—Front Page Layout (Bill Porter)
3rd—Sports Story (Josh Marder)
3rd—Sports Feature (Josh Marder)
Honorable Mention—Editorial (Katie Coleman)
Honorable Mention—Feature Story (Sarah Hedgespeth)
Honorable Mention—Sports Story (Jeanette Otis)
Honorable Mention—News Photo (Jeanette Otis)
Honorable Mention—Sports Photo (Stephen Morhman)
Honorable Mention—Sports Page Design (Jon Blalock)

Michael Theune - Robert Harrington Endowed Professor of English and Chair of English
Department - English