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Science: Biology

Completion of all program requirements, including passing state tests, qualifies you to teach the science of your major (biology or physics)  in grades 9-12, including honors and AP courses. All science candidates, regardless of major, are required to complete 6 semester hours or 1.5 IWU units of additional coursework in at least one other science area including physical sciences (Physics & Chemistry).  To qualify for teaching honors and AP courses in areas of science other than your major, plan on obtaining an additional science content specific endorsement by completing 12 semester hours (3 IWU units) or passing content test. 

The Teacher Education Program (TEP) Handbook provides detailed information about the TEP program, admission requirements, field requirements, and state and university licensure requirements.

Secondary Education Major/Professional Education (10.5 units)

Take the courses below in the sequence listed. Refer to the IWU catalog for course prerequisites and restrictions on concurrent enrollment. The professional education courses listed below are used to compute your professional education grade point average (gpa) for TEP and student teaching acceptance. 

First Year


EDUC 225: Education and Social Justice (CSI)  
EDUC 125: Schooling in Society , in most cases, concurrent with 225  20-25 hours field experience
EDUC 255: Child Study and Assessment (W)  
EDUC 126: Teaching to the World of the Child , in most cases, concurrent with 255 20-25 hours field experience

Sophomore Year


EDUC 225: Education and Social Justice (CSI)  
EDUC 125: Schooling in Society , in most cases, concurrent with 225  20-25 hours field experience
EDUC 255: Child Study and Assessment (W)  
EDUC 126: Teaching to the World of the Child , in most cases, concurrent with 255  20-25 hours field experience
EDUC 257: Disability Rights(AV,U)  

Junior Year*


EDUC 257: Disability Rights(AV,U) , if still needed


EDUC 320: Foundations of Literacy: Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication 25 hours field experience



EDUC 365: Reading, Writing and Communication in the Content Areas 


EDUC 345: Instructional Planning, Assessment and Safe Learning Environments 40-45 hours field experience
EDUC 363: Seminar: Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Natural Sciences  

Senior Year


EDUC 490: Student Teaching Seminar 15 week full time immersion in the field     (continues from Jr. year Spring placement)
EDUC 495: Student Teaching: Secondary Science  


EDUC 498: Educational Inquiry (W)

* If planning to travel abroad, do so prior to the junior year, or during any May Term. Plan your enrollment in EDUC 225, 255, and 257 accordingly. EDUC 257 can be taken concurrently with 300 level courses the junior year. Ninth semester graduates take required 300 level courses and EDUC 498 spring semester of the senior year prior to student teaching.

Biology Major (10 units)

The requirements listed below reflect the most recent information from the Biology Department. You are advised to consult the IWU catalog and your major advisor regarding current requirements for your graduating class. The required  Biology courses listed below are used to compute your major grade point average for TEP and student teaching acceptance. 

Biology 101 and 102

General Biology

Biology 212


Biology 216

Foundations of Evolution

One course in Ecology or Diversity from:

BIOL 306, 317, 318, 319, 320, 327, 328, or 350

One course in Molecular or Cellular Biology from:

BIOL 314, 325, 330, 340, 407, 410, or 412

One course in Organismal Biology from:

BIOL 307, 310, 311, 313, 315, or 319

One additional Biology course at the 300 or 400 level


One course must have a research emphasis and be selected from:

BIOL 307, 309, 311, 314, 317, 325, 327, 328, 340, 345, 411, or 412

Biology 390

SEED: Showcasing Evidence of Experience and Development (.25 units) - offered each fall semester

Chemistry and Physics courses are not used to compute your major grade point average for TEP and student teaching acceptance; however you must earn a grade of C- or higher, per state licensure requirements.


Additional Content Specific Endorsements in Science

Science candidates may earn additional high school level content specific endorsements in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science, and/or Earth and Space Science by passing the applicable content test or completing 12 semester hours of coursework in the content area.  This provision only applies if an educator already holds an issued designation science endorsement.  For example, an educator would qualify for this provision with a Science-Biology endorsement.  A content specific endorsement "highly qualifies" one to teach AP or Honors level courses in one of the above science disciplines.

The four year licensure program rarely allows completion of required endorsement coursework in additional areas such as social science, English, mathematics, or foreign language. (See those program handbook pages for specific endorsement requirements.) Please consult with your School of Educational Studies advisor, the Director of Teacher Education, or the Assistant Director for Teacher licensure about pursuing additional endorsements.

The Assistant Director for Teacher Licensure verifies the completion of endorsement requirements during the entitlement process. You may add endorsements to your license after graduation and any time during your teaching career by completing  state requirements ( Applicants apply for additional endorsements using the Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS).

IWU General Education

The IWU general education category requirements listed below are met with required major or licensure courses.

Analysis of Values (AV)
PHIL 214, Philosophy of Education (recommended but not required)
Contemporary Social Institutions (CSI)
EDUC 225 (required)
Formal Reasoning (FR)
Consult with your science major advisor regarding recommended mathematics courses for the major.
Life and Physical Science Issues and Lab
Major and licensure requirements
Writing Intensive (W)
EDUC 255 and 498 courses (required). Additional W requirements are in the major
U.S. Diversity flag (US)
EDUC 257 (required)


Additional Content Specific Endorsements in Science 

Science candidates may earn additional high school level  content specific endorsements  in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science, and/or Earth and Space Science by passing the applicable content test or completing 12 semester hours of coursework in the content area.  This provision only applies if an educator already holds an issued designation science endorsement.  For example, an educator would qualify for this provision with a Science-Physics endorsement.  Alternatively, you may qualify by completing another major in the area of the endorsement. A content specific endorsement “highly qualifies” you to teach AP or Honors level courses in one of the above science disciplines.

The four year licensure program rarely allows completion of required endorsement coursework in additional areas such as social science, English, mathematics, or foreign language. (See those program handbook pages for specific endorsement requirements.) Please consult with your Educational Studies advisor, the Director of Teacher Education, or the Assistant Director for Teacher Licensure about pursuing additional endorsements. 

The Assistant Director for Teacher Licensure verifies the completion of endorsement requirements during the entitlement process. You may add endorsements to your license after graduation and any time during your teaching career by 

Applicants apply for additional endorsements using the Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS). 

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

Fall Semester

  • EDUC 225/EDUC 125 Education and Social Justice (CSI)  OR
  • EDUC 255/EDUC 126 Child Study and Assessment (W)
  • Second language course
  • BIOL Course (see required major coursework for licensure candidates)
  • MATH course (or Gateway if not completed in the first semester)
  • Formal Reasoning General Education Course
Leah Nillas headshot

Leah Nillas - Chair and Associate Professor of Educational Studies

Department - School Of Educational Studies