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Computer Science at IWU

Computer science students at Illinois Wesleyan gain a broad understanding of the capabilities and limitations of computing technologies, how to solve problems and assess end-user needs, and how to adapt to changes in hardware and software technologies, as well as applications. What sets Illinois Wesleyan's computer science program apart is its foundational approach to computing within the context of a liberal arts curriculum. The computer science course of study focuses on the context in which computers and computing structures exist in today's rapidly changing technological environment. This approach produces computer science graduates who can more readily see relationships between computing and organizational/ societal problems, and needs and issues, setting them apart from those whose training is limited to more technically-oriented skills.


Alumni Spotlight

Karl Pierburg ‘98 served as Senior Director of Football Systems with the Atlanta Falcons. He first came to Illinois Wesleyan to become a math teacher, but changed focus when three things happened junior year: he was elected Captain of the football team, he added a CS major to his math degree, and after a summer internship, Karl decided to go into IT consulting. 


Opportunities to Explore

Professor and student facing computer, discussing research.


The Student Honors Papers collection represents exemplary work in computer science at Illinois Wesleyan University. Recent project topics have included work in computational linguistics, theoretical computer science, and network security.

Students building a circuit in an electronics lab

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

The ACM is the premiere international professional organization for Computer Science, and IWU has an active student chapter running events throughout the year.  The ACM's mission is to be "a global scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the art, science, engineering, and application of computing, serving both professional and public interests by fostering the open exchange of information and by promoting the highest professional and ethical standards."


Andrew Shallue headshot

Andrew Shallue - Professor of Computer Science

Department - Computer Science