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Major Checklist

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American Chemical Society Certified Chemistry Major Check List

Code: I = Freshman year; II = Sophomore year, III = Junior year, IV = Senior year

Term: F = Fall, S = Spring

+ Lab indicates course has a mandatory associated lab component.

Slight variations to this curriculum and order of courses is possible. Please see chemistry department chair if you have decided to major in chemistry after coming to IWU. 

Core Courses

I F Chem 201 (General Chemistry) + lab
I S Chem 202 (General Chemistry) II + lab
II F Chem 311 (Organic Chem I) + lab
II S Chem 312 (Organic Chem II)  + lab
II S Chem 332 (Inorganic Chemistry)
III F Chem 301 (Quantitative Analysis) + lab
III F Chem 321 (Physical Chemistry I)  + lab
III S Chem 322 (Physical Chemistry II)
III S Chem  304 (Instrumental Analysis)  + lab
III S Chem 380 (Advanced Inorganic Synthesis lab)  Lab course
IV F Chem 414 (Biochemistry I) + lab
  Chem 499 (research in chemistry, 1 unit, maybe be taken as two 0.5 units)

In addition, one of the following courses is required

Chem 323 (Physical Chemistry III)
Chem 413 (Advanced Organic Chemistry)
Chem 415 (Biochemistry II)
Chem 432 (Advanced Inorganic Chemistry)
Chem 470 (Special Topics in Chemistry)

Courses outside the department that majors are required to take include:

Mathematics 156  or 162 or 166 or proficiency
Physics 101 and 102 + lab or physics 105, 106 and 207 + lab

Courses outside the department that majors are encouraged to take include:

 Biology 101 and 102 + lab or biology 107 and 108 +lab.
Ram Mohan headshot

Ram Mohan - Wendell and Loretta Hess Endowed Professor of Chemistry and Chair of Chemistry

Department - Chemistry