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Faculty & Staff

Faculty Internship Supervision

Many faculty act as academic internship supervisors for their department. This important role ensures a positive experience for both the student intern and internship organization. In order to support faculty supervisors, the Hart Career Center provides a Faculty Manual with academic standards and best practices for internships. Refer to our Student Internships page to find the forms for academic credit.

Michael True, a national expert on internships, provided the following guide on the best practices for academic internships (accessible with a campus login).


Patrick Zajac

Patrick Zajac

Associate Director for Career Engagement

Contact to request a faculty internship supervisor manual.


Career Assistance for Courses

The Hart Career Center collaborates with faculty in preparing students for their careers by offering services alongside course instruction. We can support classes through various programming, such as:

  • Gateway Presentations: gives steps to First-Year students on how to jump-start their career preparation
  • Targeted Course Presentations: customized per request on any career-related topic
  • Alumni Speakers: set up a Titan Career Chat through our alumni network
  • Employer Recruitment: bring in a recruiter to talk about their organization
  • Workshops: hands-on instruction covering a specific topic (i.e. resumes, cover letters, internship/job search, graduate/professional school, and more)
  • Resume Reviews: require each student in your class to get their resume reviewed as part of an assignment
  • Practice Interviews: require each student in your class to practice their interview skills and get instant feedback to improve
  • and more! Need our support? We would be happy to work with you to develop a presentation or workshop for your course!
Joanna Nicolas

Joanna Nicolas

Health and Science Career Counselor

Contact to request a program for science courses.

Warren Kistner

Warren Kistner

Director, Hart Career Center

Contact to request a program for your courses.

Graduate Survey

Interested to know where students from your department land after graduation? Check out our Graduate Outcomes page, which represents data from the First Destination Survey the Hart Career Center conducts each year following NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) guidelines.

Amie Keeton

Amie Keeton

Recruitment Coordinator

Contact with questions about the First Destination Graduate Survey.

Being a Reference & Writing a Recommendation Letter

At IWU, faculty make valuable connections with students and are often asked to serve as a reference or write letters of recommendation. References and recommendation letters can make (or break) an application for a student, but also reflect upon the issuing person and institution. Here are some helpful articles on being a references and writing a letter of rec: