Departmental and Building Facilities
Aquarium Room
Anaerobic Chamber
Chemical Stockroom
Space has been allocated within the Center for Natural Science for a greenhouse. This greenhouse houses a collection of plants utilized in the botany and General Biology courses as well as faculty research.
Leitz Microscope
A research grade microscope with the capability of differential- interference contrast microscopy that is equipped with an automatic camera.
Nikon Eclipse 600
An interference phase contrast and fluorescence microscope designed for physiological research.
Typical Preparation Rooms
Scanning Electron Microscope
A JEOL 5800LV Scanning Electron Microscope is available for use by all departments in the Center for Natural Science.
Video-Linked Microscope
A microscope primarily used in teaching that displays an image on a television screen of material viewed through the microscope. This is used often in courses such as Histology, Invertebrate Zoology, and General Biology.
Wild Dissecting Microscope
A research grade microscope for sample preparation and digital pictures of macroscopic samples.