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Departmental and Building Facilities

Aquarium Room

aquarium room

Anaerobic Chamber

Anaerobic Chamber

Chemical Stockroom

Chemical Stockroom



Space has been allocated within the Center for Natural Science for a greenhouse. This greenhouse houses a collection of plants utilized in the botany and General Biology courses as well as faculty research.

Leitz Microscope

A research grade microscope with the capability of differential- interference contrast microscopy that is equipped with an automatic camera.

Nikon Eclipse 600

nikon eclipse 600

An interference phase contrast and fluorescence microscope designed for physiological research.

Typical Preparation Rooms

prep room 1
prep room 2

Scanning Electron Microscope

A JEOL 5800LV Scanning Electron Microscope is available for use by all departments in the Center for Natural Science.

Video-Linked Microscope

A microscope primarily used in teaching that displays an image on a television screen of material viewed through the microscope. This is used often in courses such as Histology, Invertebrate Zoology, and General Biology.

Wild Dissecting Microscope

A research grade microscope for sample preparation and digital pictures of macroscopic samples.

Brian Walter headshot

Brian Walter - Associate Professor of Biology

Department - Biology