Resources for Students
Important Links and Resources
- University Catalog
- Accessing Banner Self-Service for Students (registration and academic records)
- Video Tutorial for finding Instructional Method
- Video Tutorials:
- Registration
- Student Records
- Degree Audit
- Emergency Alert
- How to Find Advisor Assignment on MyIWU
How To Make Your Advising Experience a Success
Students are expected to take an active role in their academic advising relationship with faculty advisors. It is your responsibility to continue to monitor your academic progress and meet with your advisor regularly. Advisors will talk with you about your academic goals and success at Illinois Wesleyan University and help you achieve these goals. As a student, you are responsible for being prepared for advising sessions, being engaged in the advising process, and following through on suggestions advisors make. Here are some considerations to make you academic advising experience a success at IWU:
Preparing To See Your Advisor:
Set up an appointment with your advisor. If you are a first-year student you should make an appointment with your First-Year Advisor. Beyond your first year at IWU, appointments should be made with an advisor in your major department. If you are undecided, you can make an appointment with an advisor in the Office of Academic Advising. You should meet with an advisor every semester before registration to discuss your academic progress and goals and to obtain your PIN to register for classes.
Review your Degree Audit report. Your Degree Audit report explains your progress toward your degree. If you do not have a current copy of your report, you can access and print out this report through MyIWU.
Write down any questions and concerns that you have about your Degree Audit report, and bring these questions and a current copy of your report to every advising session.
Review your IWU catalog and general education handbook. These materials explain all of the university and departmental requirements for all degrees.
Taking An Active Role During Your Advising Session:
Bring your Degree Audit report, the undergraduate catalog, your questions, and any other academic advising related materials.
Establish a target graduation date in consultation with your advisor.
Work with your advisor to establish a program of study and an outline of the classes that you plan to take in the next 2 or 3 semesters.
Ask any and all additional questions that you might have. Your advisor can help you best when you explain your academic/career goals and concerns.
Keep notes from your advising meetings to remind you about what was discussed.
Following Up:
Contact your advisor with any questions you have.
Follow through on suggestions or referrals made by your advisor.
Take charge of your academic progress. Advising is an important tool, but you are ultimately responsible for your success.
Become familiar with the resources available at IWU to help you achieve academic and personal success.
Contact the Office of Academic Advising if you have general questions, are undecided about your major, or want to discuss your academic options. We can help you navigate the system and point you in the right direction.
Contact information:
Illinois Wesleyan University
Holmes Hall 110
1312 Park Street
Bloomington, IL 61701
309-556-3231 (phone)
309-556-3436 (fax)