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Athletics Courses Offered

Activity Courses

* Two courses (X) or four half courses (Y) or an equivalent combination are required. At least 1 x or 1 y must be a fitness course. Fitness courses meeting the requirement are designated with an asterisk.

PEC 109X - Basic Scuba Diving

An introduction to basic scuba diving. This course does not provide certification, but will prepare the participant to take the exam for Open Water Certification should they so desire. Special fee. Offered each semester.

PEC 111Y - Beginning Swimming

Basic swimming instruction and lifesaving skills for the non-swimmer or beginning swimmer. May be repeated one time only with the consent of instructor. Offered in alternate years, fall semester.

PEC 113X - Fitness Swimming *

For the intermediate and advanced swimmer. Geared to train the student in swimming strokes, distances, and combination strokes to increase endurance, muscle growth, appearance and circulatory efficiency. Offered each spring.

PEC 114Y - Water Aerobics *

An aerobic water fitness program designed for non-swimmers and swimmers to help maintain lifetime physical fitness. Offered each spring.

PEC 116X - Lifeguard Training *

Course focuses upon increasing awareness of water hazards, the avoidance of accidents, and utilization of appropriate rescue techniques. Course includes 20 hours outside of class for First Aid and CPR. Prerequisite: ability to swim 500 yards continuously using several strokes. Fee required. Offered each spring.

PEC 117X - Water Safety Instructor

Red Cross Water Safety Instructor course leading to certification for teaching swimming. Prerequisite: a current Advanced Lifesaving certificate. Fee required. Offered as needed, fall semester.

PEC 118Y - Tennis I

Open to individuals with no experience in playing tennis. Offered each fall and May Term.

PEC 119Y - Tennis II

Open to those with some knowledge of ground strokes, serving, and strategy of singles and doubles. Offered as needed.

PEC 120Y - Badminton

An introduction to singles and doubles play. Offered each semester.

PEC 121Y - Pilates *

An introduction to Pilates basic movements; course focuses on improvement of overall strength, posture and flexibility. Offered each semester.

PEC 122Y - Volleyball

An introductory course in fundamentals of power volleyball. Offered each semester.

PEC 123Y - Cross Fit *

Affiliated with Crossfit TCB. Course is programmed to improve individuals' core strength and conditioning. The goal is to gain competency in ten fitness areas. Workouts are constantly varied, high intensity functional movement. Offered each semester.

PEC 124Y - Bowling

Special fees. For beginners and those who already know how to bowl. Offered each semester.

PEC 125Y - Beginning Golf

Special fee. An introduction to basic skills. Offered each fall and May Term.

PEC 126Y - Intermediate Golf

Special fee. For experienced golfers. Emphasis on swing mechanics, playing strategies and specialty shots. Offered as needed.

PEC 127Y - Racquetball

Introduction to individual skills, techniques, and strategies of singles and doubles play. Special fees. Offered each semester.

PEC 128Y - Circuit Training *

An introduction of circuit training in the use of Selecterize machines to improve strength, endurance and flexibility. Offered each semester.

PEC 129X - Personal Fitness I *

Students assess the five health related aspects of fitness; muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition, and cardiovascular endurance. Various types of exercise programs are discussed and practiced. Offered each semester.

PEC 131X - Personal Fitness II *

Designed to help students plan and carry out their own personal fitness program using results of physical fitness tests obtained in Fitness I. Prerequisite: PEC 129X or consent of instructor. Offered each semester.

PEC 132Y - Fitness Walking *

Designed to develop physical fitness through a walking program. Open to all levels of fitness. Offered each semester and May Term.

PEC 133Y - Step Aerobics *

Designed to improve cardiovascular fitness through rhythmic exercise. Open to beginning as well as advanced levels of fitness. Offered each semester.

PEC 134Y - Jogging *

Improving cardiovascular fitness through jogging. Open to all levels of experience. Offered each semester.

PEC 135Y - Weight Lifting *

Lifting free weights to improve total body strength. Proper technique and safety emphasized. Open to beginners as well as experienced lifters. Offered each semester.

PEC 136Y - Cycling Fitness *

Improving cardiovascular fitness using stationary bicycles. Open to all levels of fitness. Fulfills general education requirements in Physical Education category.

PEC 137Y - Special Activities *

Various recreational activities (rock climbing, karate, scuba diving). Special fee required for some activities. Offered each semester.

PEC 138Y - Cycling Fitness II *

Designed to provide accelerated cardiorespiratory fitness at an intermediate to advanced level. Prerequisite: PEC 136Y. Offered each semester.

PEC 139Y - Aerobics *

Improving cardiovascular fitness through rhythmic movements and exercises set to music. Students work at their own physical level whether it be beginning or advanced. Offered each semester.

PEC 140X - Beginning Social Dance

An introduction to social dancing, including waltz, fox trot, polka, jitterbug, and others. Offered each spring.

PEC 142Y - Beginning Jazz Dance

An introduction to the North American dance style developed from Jazz music and tap dance. Basic technique and styles will be explored in addition to historical musical data. Offered each spring.

PEC 143Y - Beginning Tap

A seven week introduction to the fundamentals of tap technique. The course will build the student's tap dance vocabulary and technical skill in properly executing that vocabulary. Students will be drilled in how to learn, master and perform simple tap combinations. Prerequisites: none. Offered each fall.

PEC 144X - Ballet I

Beginning Ballet: An introduction to the fundamentals of ballet technique. The course will build the student's ballet vocabulary and technical skill in properly executing that vocabulary. Students will be drilled in how to learn, master and perform simple ballet combinations. Prerequisites: none. May be repeated for credit. Offered each semester.

PEC 145Y - Beginning Modern Dance *

An introduction to the fundamentals of modern dance, and is aimed toward the student who desires dance for fun. A brief history of modern dance will accompany several of the classes and movement combinations that are taught. Offered each fall.

PEC 151X - Adapted Physical Education *

Designed for students whose medical examination indicates a recommendation of restricted exercise. May be repeated. Prerequisite: consent of the department chairman. Offered each semester.

PEC 152Y - Adapted Physical Education *

Designed for students whose medical examination indicates a recommendation of restricted exercise. May be repeated. Prerequisite: consent of the department chairman. Offered each semester.

PEC 153X - Karate

Special fee. Students work toward attaining a red belt. Offered each semester.

PEC 155X - Advanced Karate

Special fee. Prerequisite: consent of the instructor. Offered each semester.

PEC 180Y - Fencing

Beginning techniques in foil fencing and bout judging and directing. Offered each semester.

PEC 232X - Jazz Dance II

Intermediate jazz technique. Course will focus on a variety of styles common to the jazz idiom as well as stretching and strengthening techniques to help improve dance technique. Prerequisite: PEC 144X or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit. Offered each fall.

PEC 233X - Tap Dance I

Introduction to the fundamentals of tap. The course will explore a range of styles and rhythms as well as work on some tap combinations for the beginner through the intermediate tap student. Prerequisite: PEC 144X or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit. Offered each fall.

PEC 234X - Ballet II

Intermediate Ballet: A continuation of the fundamentals of ballet technique. The course will build the student's ballet vocabulary and technical skill in properly executing that vocabulary. Students will be drilled in how to learn, master and perform ballet combinations at the intermediate level. Prerequisites: none. May be repeated for credit. Offered each semester.

PEC 235X - Modern Dance II

Intermediate modern technique. The course focuses on building the student's technical skill level. Students are expected to perform more complex combinations at the intermediate level. Attention is given to the quality of class performance in terms of dynamic, skill, musicality, body awareness and use of space. Prerequisites: PEC 142y/ PEC 144X or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit. Offered each semester.

PEC 250X - Varsity Sports *

Prerequisite: consent of the instructor. Offered each semester.

PEC 333X - Tap Dance II

Intermediate/advanced level elements of tap dance will be the skills developed in this course. The course will explore a range of styles and rhythms as well as work on some tap combinations for the intermediate through the advanced student of tap dance. Prerequisite: MUTH 233 or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit. Offered each spring.

PEC 334X - Ballet III

Advanced ballet technique. The course focuses on building the student's ballet vocabulary and their technical skill in executing that vocabulary. Students will be expected to learn, master and perform advanced ballet combinations. Students will focus on exploring performance skills that range beyond the technique. Prerequisites: MUTH 234/ MUTH 235, or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit. Offered each semester.

PEC 335X - Modern Dance III

Advanced modern technique. The course focuses on building the student's technical skill level. Students are expected to perform complex combinations at the advanced level. Attention is given to the quality of class performance in terms of dynamic, skill, musicality, body awareness and use of space. Prerequisites: MUTH 234/ MUTH 235, or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit. Offered each semester.

Theory Courses


PEC 201 - Theory and Practice of Physical Education

Teaching methods and activities and practical class participation in learning various team sports at the secondary school level. Offered in alternate years, fall semester.

PEC 202 - Theory and Practice of Physical Education

The development of physical education, its history, teaching methods and activities; practical class participation in learning various individual sport activities at the secondary school level. Offered in alternate years, spring semester.

PEC 210 - Coaching Baseball and Football

Fundamentals of coaching baseball and football including drills, strategies, rules, and conditioning. Offered in alternate years, fall semester.

PEC 211 - Coaching Basketball and Track

Fundamentals of coaching basketball including modern offenses and defenses, strategies, and drills. Coaching track and field events including modern methods in conditioning and training. Offered in alternate years, spring semester.

PEC 214 - Coaching Soccer/Golf

This course is intended to cover the essentials of coaching soccer and golf in order to prepare the students to be more active post-graduation as well as more active in their community with the knowledge to coach both soccer and golf. Offered in alternate years, spring semester.

PEC 216 - Coaching Volleyball and Softball

Basic and advanced skills, techniques, tactics, and strategies of competitive softball and volleyball along with techniques of coaching individual and team play. Offered in alternate years, spring semester.

PEC 290 - Introduction to Coaching

The study of basic scientific principles of Bio-mechanics, Psychology, and Physiology as they relate to coaching sports skills. Basic discussions regarding scientific training methods and conditioning, motivational techniques, nutrition, environmental conditions, and handling the pressures of competition. Offered in alternate years, fall semester.

PEC 297/397 - Internships

Opportunity for field work at community non-profit agencies, alternative school settings, parks and recreation departments, and camping facilities. Prerequisite: PEC 201, PEC 290, PEC 320 or consent of Department Chair. Offered as needed.

PEC 320 - Organization and Administration of Athletic and Physical Education Programs

The administrative problems involved in organization of the athletic, recreation, and physical education programs, will cover curriculum design. Practical applications in intramural sports and athletic organization and management. Recommended: PEC 201 and PEC 202. Offered in alternate years, spring semester.

PEC 325 - Kinesiology

Use of mechanics and muscular action in balance and movement of the human body. Offered in alternate years, fall semester.

PEC 326 - First Aid and Athletic Training

Instruction in administering accepted first aid practices in emergencies and accepted methods for the prevention and corrective treatment of athletic injuries. Offered in alternate years, spring semester.

PEC 327 - Essentials of Strength and Conditioning

An application oriented course that provides useful information for students with a background in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and other exercise sciences. Useful for those who intend to pursue professional work as a personal trainer or become involved with exercise prescription. Prerequisite: PEC 325, PEC 330, or consent of instructor. Offered in alternate years, spring semester.

PEC 330 - Exercise Physiology

Exercise Physiology is the study of movement and the research based principles associated with the systematic and functional responses and adaptations to different forms of exercise. Offered in alternate years, fall semester.

PEC 400 - Independent Study

Independent research and study beyond courses offered in any particular area of physical education. Prerequisite: consent of department chairman. Offered as needed.

Norm Eash headshot

Norm Eash - Head Football Coach, Chair of Physical Education, Associate Athletic Director and Professor of Physical Education

Department - Physical Education