Frequently Asked Questions
This section consists of questions most asked by students, faculty, and family members about academic advising issues. Click on the area heading for answers to the questions. If you have questions that are not listed, please contact the Office of Academic Advising by emailing
- How do I change my academic advisor?
- Where can I get pre-professional advising?
- When do I have to declare a major?
- How do I declare/change my major?
- Should I complete a BA or BS degree? What are the differences?
- How do I find out what courses are available?
- How do I do course overload?
- What is my registration pin?
- How do I get on the wait list for a closed class?
- How do I add or drop a class?
- What if I miss the deadline for adding/dropping a course?
- How many units do I need to graduate?
- How can I check my academic progress?
- How many credits do I have to take to be considered a full-time student?
- How many credits are required for Sophomore/Junior/Senior status?
- May I repeat a course?
- How do I calculate my grade point average?
- Is tutoring available?
- What is the Credit/No Credit grading option?
- What is academic probation?
- What is academic disqualification?
- What is academic distinction?
- How do I withdraw from IWU?
- Do AP credits transfer to IWU?
- Do I need approval to take a course at another college and transfer it to IWU?
How do I change my academic advisor?
Change of advisor request forms are available in the Registrar's Office (Holmes Hall 110). Students will need to get the signature of their new advisor, and return the request form to the Registrar's Office. back to top
Where can I get pre-professional advising?
For pre-professional advising you should contact that Program Director/Department Chair, or a faculty member in that specific program/department.
Department/Program | Contact Name | |
Pre-Physical Therapy | David Bollivar | |
Pre-Engineering | Gabe Spalding; Narendra Jaggi |; |
Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental | Loni Walker | |
Pre-Law | David Marvin | |
Pre-Veterinary Medicine | David Bollivar | |
Pre-Occupational Therapy | Linda Kunce | |
When do I have to declare a major?
Students should select a major field of concentration before the end of their fourth semester, but this decision may be made earlier. back to top
How do I declare/change my major?
Declaration of major forms are available in the Registrar's Office (Holmes Hall 110). Students will need to get the signature of their the new Department Chair/Director, as well as their new advisor, and return the form to the Registrar's Office. back to top
Should I complete a BA or BS degree? What are the differences?
At IWU there is no difference between degree requirements for a B.S. or B.A. degree. Both degree programs provide for the acquisition of written and oral communication skills, creative thinking, abilities in the critical analysis of texts, the understanding of cultures, and a working knowledge of social, political, and historical contexts. The B.A. degree is typically pursued by those students whose academic emphasis in their major area of study is directed toward the humanities, arts, and selected areas of the social sciences disciplines. the B.S. degree is typically pursued by those students whose academic emphasis in their major area of study is directed toward the natural sciences, mathematics, statistics, or a technological field. Talk with your advisor about which degree is best for you. back to top
How do I find out what courses are available?
The Program of Classes lists all classes offered for a specific term, their instructors, and the times of class meetings. The University Catalog contains a description of most classes, although some new or special classes may be described in the Program of Classes. Students should consult both of these publications, as well as their academic advisor, to determine an appropriate program of study. Students will be notified by e-mail as to when the Program of Classes is available; this will mark the start of the registration process for the following term. back to top
How do I do course overload?
Students who have achieved sophomore standing and who have a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or above may apply to the Registrar's Office, Holmes 110, for permission to enroll in one course unit in addition to the normal load. This overload policy applies to courses taken elsewhere for transfer, as well as courses taken at IWU. Overloads are not possible during May Term. back to top
What is my registration pin?
Advisors will provide advisees with a unique registration PIN each term. The Registrar is not permitted to provide this PIN to students unless the student is able to demonstrate that he or she has seen his or her academic advisor. After obtaining this PIN, the student must select courses on the University's web-based registration system. back to top
How do I get on the wait list for a closed class?
Go to the Registrar's Office at Holmes 110 to get your name placed on the wait list. back to top
How do I add or drop a class?
Students may add a class during the first five days of the semester. Students may drop a class during the first eight weeks of class. Please consult with your advisor before adding or dropping a class on the University's web registration system. back to top
What if I miss the deadline for adding/dropping a course?
In exceptional circumstances a petition to add or drop a class after the deadline may be considered. These circumstances are generally limited to the following: a) verified medical excuses, b) substantiated serious personal or family issues, c) advisor error on prerequisites, placement or judgement. After the deadline, a special fee may be assessed in connection with the granting of a petition to add or drop a course or Credit/No Credit designation. back to top
How many units do I need to graduate?
Completion of a minimum number or course units as specified by the degree:
Bachelor of Arts 32 units
Bachelor of Science 32 units
Bachelor of Science - Nursing 32 units
Bachelor of Fine Arts 32 units
Bachelor of Music 35 units
Bachelor of Music Education 36 units
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How can I check my academic progress?
Review the Degree Compliance link in MyIWU. This channel gives you a detailed breakdown of section requirements including, General Education, Major, and Flag requirements. The column labeled "M" on the far left side of the Compliance is the "Met" column. If the requirement has been met, it will have a "Y" and the specific course that meets the requirement will be listed to the right in that row. back to top
How many credits do I have to take to be considered a full-time student?
To be considered a full time student at IWU, you must be enrolled for at least three course units during the Fall or Spring semester. If you are a MAP Grant recipient, you must be enrolled in four course units. back to top
How many credits are required for Sophomore/Junior/Senior status?
Sophomore: a student who has earned at least 7 but not more than 14 course units.
Junior: a student who has earned at least 15 but not more than 23 course units.
Senior: a student who has earned at least 24 course units and who have the ability to complete all graduation requirements during the academic year.
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May I repeat a course?
Only courses graded below a "C-" may be repeated. All grades for any courses taken, whether repeated or not, and whether taken at IWU or not, remain permanently on the IWU transcript. However, only the grade and credit recorded the last time the course was taken may be used in the calculation of the GPA and credits earned. Only grades earned at IWU, including affiliated off-campus and affiliated study abroad programs, are used to calculate the GPA. Therefore, repeating a course elsewhere may remove an IWU grade and credit from the GPA calculation, but transferred-in grades and credits will not be included in the GPA calculation. back to top
How do I calculate my grade point average?
A student's cumulative grade average (GPA) is based on grades and credits earned at Illinois Wesleyan University. It is determined by dividing the total number of earned quality points by the total number of graded units of credit for which the student has been enrolled at IWU, including affiliated off-campus and affiliated study abroad programs.
A = 4.0, A- = 3.7, B+ = 3.3, B = 3.0, B- = 2.7, C+ = 2.3, C = 2.0, C- = 1.7, D = 1.0, F = 0 back to top
Is tutoring available?
Several departments and programs offer peer tutoring services. Contact your Department/Program for this information. back to top
What is the Credit/No Credit grading option?
This option allows for the final grade in a course to be either Credit or No Credit, instead of a letter grade. In order to be eligible for the Credit/No Credit option, a student must have completed eight course units and be in good standing (GPA of 2.0 or higher). No more than one Credit/No Credit course may be taken in a single term, and no more than six such courses may be taken by any individual student at IWU. Only elective courses may be taken with this designation, and no course originally taken for a grade may be retaken for Credit/No Credit. This option is also unavailable to courses taken abroad, as well as May Term courses. In the event that a course in a field in which a major or minor is later declared is taken for Credit/No Credit, it may be counted toward the major or minor if the appropriate department chair approves. When a course is offered for Credit/No Credit, the policies applying to student-selected Credit/No Credit do not apply. back to top
What is academic probation?
When a student's cumulative grade average is below 2.00, the student is classified "on academic probation." back to top
What is academic disqualification?
A student, whose cumulative grade average falls below the following standard, shall be disqualified from attendance at the University (unless allowed to continue under the specific written prescriptions of the Associate Provost):
GPA at the end of one full year of college study must be 1.5 or higher
GPA at the end of two full years of college study must be 1.8 or higher
GPA at the end of three full years of college study must be 2.0 or higher
Beyond three years of college study the student must maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative average through graduation
All GPA calculations for probation and disqualification are exclusive of military science courses. Students who have been academically disqualified may gain readmission to the University only through the Admission Office and the regular application process. back to top
What is academic distinction?
Students with excellent academic records are recognized at Commencement with the awarding of the degree cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude. These honors are based on the final cumulative grade average for Illinois Wesleyan coursework according to the following scale (exclusive of military science): cum laude - 3.50 or higher, magna cum laude - 3.70 or higher, and summa cum laude - 3.90 or higher. back to top
How do I withdraw from IWU?
A student who is considering withdrawal from the University should discuss plans with the Dean of Students and his or her academic advisor. Notification of intent to withdraw will be considered official only after the student has completed and returned a withdrawal card to the Registrar. Official withdrawal after the thirtieth class day must be approved by the Registrar and Dean of Students. back to top
Do AP credits transfer to IWU?
Yes. Check for specific transferability back to top
Do I need approval to take a course at another college and transfer it to IWU?
Yes. You will need to fill out a Request for Transfer of Credit form, available in the Registrar's Office, Holmes 100. Guidelines and Required Items for Transfer of Credit are found on this form. back to top

Shari Rich - Director of Academic Advising
Department - Academic Advising